railway signalling block indicator


Welcome to my web site, featuring railway and travel photography, mainly in Great Britain and Europe. Seven of my own "Great Railway Journeys of the World" are also featured. I hope you find something to interest you.

Great Railway Journeys

Railway Photographs

Walking & Cycling

Other Pages

Amtrak sleeper
USA Western Circular
Around America by Amtrak
British train
Great Britain
1972 to 2024
Cycling in India India Coast to Coast
by train and bike
Machu Picchu
Miscellaneous photos (no trains!)
Golden Gate of Kyiv
Trans-European: Moscow to Mostar
European train
41 countries
Cairnryan Belfast ferry Five Nations Tour
Across the Irish Sea
My Smugmug site
More photo galleries, including Munro-bagging
Route map
Trans-European: Tagus to Topkapi
Lisbon to Istanbul 
Chinese train
13 countries
cycle route sign
Yorkshire Wolds
a 2-day local ride
Family History
Rossiya train
Trans-Siberian No.3
York to Beijing via Vladivostok

outline route
North Sea Cycle Ride
Flanders to Holland
Indian Pacific
Across Australia by train


5 Countries Cycle Tour


Silk Route by Rail
Moscow to Hong Kong via Samarkand


Gill Cycles
Walney to Wear
W2W and a bit more


 destination board
The Big Red and Yellow Train Ride
York to Hong Kong by rail, via Mongolia


Menai Bridge
Holyhead to York
Another big bike ride




NCN sign
Lochs & Glens North
Glasgow to Inverness




cycle track
London to York
A 3-day ride via Cambridge and Lincoln




Union Bridge
Coast & Castles
Newcastle to Edinburgh




C2C sign
Six go Sea to Sea
Cycling across the North of England




Loch Lomond
West Highland Way
A long-distance walk in Scotland




High Tatras
Walking in the Tatras
A holiday in Slovakia


Any comments or suggestions would be gratefully received. Email: johndarm789[at]

All photographs are my own work unless stated. They may be copied for non-commercial purposes only, and on condition that they are credited to me.

John Armitstead

Last updates: 1 July 2024 (2024 GB Rail page added); 15 Oct 2023 (2023 GB Rail page added)

About me